Letter to the Editor
October 10, 2024
Community involvement
I am writing to commend and highlight the joint efforts of the Arvada service clubs to sponsor the screening of “Join or Die,” a film about why people should join a service club. The film stems from the work and book “Bowling Alone” by political scientist Robert Putnam. The overriding message is positive and important because civic involvement helps improve the community and address matters of public concern.
Although I also believe the film should have differentiated the types of civic involvement by better defining clubs, groups and organizations because while civic-minded people get involved in all types of activities, it is disingenuous to suggest that all civic involvement is encouraged. It is not even if the message is conveyed in the softest tones of “Colorado nice.” The reality is that sometimes even prosocial involvement can lead to conflict, gag orders and laws to neutralize free speech and association. This helps explain why so many people chose not to join groups.
But again, I hope next time we sponsor the film “Join or Die” we can increase the turnout of people who are interested in community involvement. There are many diverse global causes represented.
Timothy D. Allport, Arvada